Monday, March 16, 2009

Just a thought . . .

So this question was posed in Sunday School class on Sunday: How is it that Jehovah Witness and Mormons are able to witness and evangelize daily without being affected by the rejection they receive from those they witness to?

The woman who asked this wondered how we even witnessed, if we witnessed at all. Her point was that even though she knew it was not her the people would be rejecting, rejection, nonetheless, is hard to swallow.

I came across something this evening that may answer how the Jehovah Witness and Mormons do it. St. Gregory of Nazianzus (an ancient theologian I'm studying whose known for his writings on the Trinity) beliefs may explain it best as well as present a challenge to us all as Christians:

True Christians don't accept failure but merely see it as an allowance that God permits; for we only experience setbacks, not failures, which are designed to enable us to become more successful in the art and science of serving God and others.

Something to think about . . .

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